Thomas Neubert
A small world is a raw watercolor and ink drawing; painted and written spontaneously without any preconceived compositional idea.
Immediately after, I hated this work; and I wanted to destroy it. To this day, I still can't explain my strong emotional reaction to this picture; yet it capture something important (at least to me).
I didn't destroy this work. I turned the page and painted the next and the next picture. Over the years, I've come to accept and aprreciate this work. But I certainly can not tell you why.
The point being, that if a work of art is powerful just to you; that is enough. And powerful doesn't mean that you like it. Furthermore, it doesn't matter if anyone else reacts to it. It doesn't even matter if you can not even explain the why, what or how of a painting. Such why, what and hows are like the interpretation of dreams; the why may say something that is right, what may be totally wrong, and the how may completely miss the most important aspect. So if a painting makes you ponder and keep pondering,
TNN 3/2/2016