Thomas Neubert
1949, Born, Cleveland
art and music lessons as a child​
loved math, art and dinosaurs
work as youth: newspaper delivery, pharmacy clerk, grocery store
worked through college: city gardener, head start teacher assistant, computer programmer, chemical engineer assistant, physical chemistry research, physics lab teacher
1973, BS in Physics, Cleveland State University
1976, MS in Physics, Cleveland State University
dropped out of Ph.D. Physics program, Tucson 1977 (my first child was born Oregon)
worked in computer business - 1977 to 2014
marketing, sales, financial sales analyst, Portland, Oregon
market information, business analysis, business strategy, speech writer, consulting, NY
traveled in US and Europe
1986 divorced lost custody of my 3 children, NY
1987, single parent with 1 child (my oldest came to live with me)
1989, single parent with 3 children whom I raised alone (my younger 2 came to live with me)
nights and free time spent with family & friends and in creative arts & sciences
water colors, oil pastels, collages
music for synthesizer (compose play own music)
poems and essays (unpublished)
3 screenplays (unpublished)
science fiction novel The Magician of Time (2009)
Science publications​
book A Critique of Pure Physics (2009)
paper A Toy Universe (2013)
paper A Simple Toy Universe (2016) ​
paper Symmetry Breaking Equivalence Principle (2018)
start with this paper A Toy Gravity Universe and Quantum Graviton (2021)
2006, married, Brooklyn
2007, 4th child born​, Brooklyn
2014, retire and commit to second career as artist, studio in ​​Auburn, ME
2015, University of Southern Maine Biennial accepts 2 paintings (review excerpt)​
2016, family moves to Tempe, AZ
sets up artist website at
2019, begin work on artbook Portrait of Ideas
2020, move to Bangor, ME​
paint, write, research
2021, paint and write​​, pretty much an outsider​
2022, heart attack quadruple bypass and recovery
2023, focus family, health, painting, writing, research