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by Thomas Neubert,


acrylic on canvas

50 in x 40 in

The image started literally as a man crawling from the underground. As in Dostojevski's Notes from the Underground. And that image has remained.  But it is no longer just a male image; but also accompanied by a female image. As well the human images have been reduced to their simplest elements (each human figure determined only by as few triangles as possible). These two figures (to my surprise) are almost identical to an early preliminary sketch. All my later ideas just didn't work. The emergence from underground has been replaced by triangles, many upon which words have been painted. This idea (of many emergences) emerged during the painting itself and was debated right up until the painting was complete. I know the climbing figures in some ways  appear more like dancers than rock climbers emerging from the earth; but that is just as well; because their is joy oas well as risk with each human emergence. 

Emergence, Thomas Neubert, notes from the underground, indeterminancy, complexity, death, good, evil, artist
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